Clone and Setup the Project
The first step in contributing to
1. Fork the Project
This GitHub Guide is simple and concise! It goes over:
How to Fork
Clone and add to your Fork
Submitting a Pull Request (PR)
2. Package Management with Poetry
Poetry is the package manager that is used for Pylenium. Please take a moment to read this guide to understand how to use it and the pyproject.toml
Install Poetry globally
Install the packages from pyproject.toml
Now open a Terminal in the pyleniumio project to install the packages.
Terminal $
You must be using Python 3.7 or greater!
3. Follow our Contributing Guide
You're all set! Head on over to our CONTRIBUTING GUIDE for more information on:
Code of Conduct
Templates for Bugs, Enhancements, etc.
Guidelines for Pull Requests and suggestions
and more!
Thank you for taking the time to contribute! We're excited to have you!
Last updated