4. Writing Tests with Pylenium

Easy as py πŸ₯

Create a Test File

A Test File is just that - a file with tests in it. Depending on the type of project you're working on, you may want these to live right next to your code files or in a separate /tests directory.

In these docs, we will assume you are writing your tests in a /tests directory of your project.

Create a Test File called test_qap_dev.py

  • Test Files do not need to start with test_, but it's recommended

  • This is a naming convention used to make it easier to distinguish between code and tests

You should now have a Project Structure that looks like this:

  • Project

    • tests

      • test_qap_dev.py

    • conftest.py

    • pylenium.json

    • pytest.ini

    • venv

Write the Test

We are going to make a test that does the following:

  1. Visits the QA at the Point website: https://qap.dev

  2. Hovers the About link to reveal a menu

  3. Click the Leadership link in that menu

  4. Assert Carlos Kidman is on the Leadership page

def test_carlos_is_on_leadership(py):

When you type py., you should see an auto-complete or IntelliSense menu appear with the list of Pylenium Commands like .visit() and .get()

Your IDE may not do this or you may be missing an Extension or Plugin.

PyCharm has pytest support out-of-the-box.

Let's move on with the steps.

def test_carlos_is_on_leadership(py):
  • Hover the About link to reveal a menu

def test_carlos_is_on_leadership(py):

When you get an Element from locator methods:

  • .get() | .getx()

  • .find() | .findx()

  • .contains()

you can perform actions against the element like:

  • .click()

  • .type()

  • .hover()

  • and more!

Make sure to check out the many commands available in Pylenium

  • Click the Leadership link in the menu

def test_carlos_is_on_leadership(py):
  • Assert Carlos Kidman is on the Leadership page

def test_carlos_is_on_leadership(py):
    assert py.contains("Carlos Kidman")

Run the Test

If you're using PyCharm or VS Code, there should be a green Play button next to the test definition. Click it and select either Run to execute normally or Debug to use breakpoints in Debug Mode.

Otherwise, use the method your IDE provides. You can always use the CLI as well:

Terminal $ (venv)
pytest tests/test_qap_dev.py

Look at the Difference

Here is the same test but written with Selenium out of the box:

# Define your setup and teardown fixture
def driver():
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
    yield driver

def test_carlos_is_on_leadership_page_with_selenium(driver):
    # Hover About link
    about_link = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a[href='/about']")
    actions = ActionChains(driver)
    # Click Leadership link in About menu
    driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a[href='/leadership'][class^='Header-nav']").click()
    # Check if 'Carlos Kidman' is on the page
    assert driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//*[contains(text(), 'Carlos Kidman')]")

Another Test Example

Let's write another test that searches for Pylenium and makes sure the results page contains that term in the title.

  1. Navigate to Google.com

  2. Type Pylenium into the search field

  3. Submit the search

  4. Assert the results page contains the title

def test_google_search(py):
    assert py.should().contain_title("Pylenium")

You've already seen different Element commands like .visit(), .type() and .submit(), but there is also a Should object for:

In the example above, py.should() uses an Explicit Wait to wait until the "driver" detects that the current page's title contains "Pylenium".

  • If the title contains "Pylenium" within the specified timeout, then it returns True and passes the assertion

  • If the title does not meet the expectation within the specified timeout, then it returns False and fails the assertion

You can leverage these Should expectations to easily wait for conditions or write assertions!

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